Consolle Due Gambe
Questa consolle in stile inglese è realizzata con due soli puntali, gambe decorate con forme geometriche che poggiano a terra mentre la parte posteriore poggia direttamente sulla superficie del muro. Il top della consolle realizzato in legno col. Miele è accuratamente inciso e riprende nuovamente le forme geometriche rendendo la consolle armoniosa in ogni parte. I cassetti della consolle sono lavorati con incisioni zigrinate, decorazione che viene riproposta anche sulla cornice della specchiera.
This English style console is made with only two tips, legs decorated with geometric shapes that rest on the ground while the back rests directly on the surface of the wall. The top of the console made of wood col. Miele is carefully engraved and takes again the geometric shapes making the console harmonious in every part. The drawers of the console are worked with knurled engravings, a decoration that is also repeated on the frame of the mirror.
This English style console is made with only two tips, legs decorated with geometric shapes that rest on the ground while the back rests directly on the surface of the wall. The top of the console made of wood col. Miele is carefully engraved and takes again the geometric shapes making the console harmonious in every part. The drawers of the console are worked with knurled engravings, a decoration that is also repeated on the frame of the mirror.