La collezione Pietondo mette in risalto la passione, unita a dedizione e profonda ricerca, per creare progetti di qualità. L’armonia nelle forme e la semplicità delle linee evidenziano la qualità di un prodotto concepito come esempio dell’arte mobiliera realizzata per piacere e durare nel tempo grazie alla sua flessibilità di ambientarsi in ogni spazio. In questa collezione si fonde il passato artistico ed elegante con la modernità della vita contemporanea.
The Pietondo collection highlights the passion, combined with dedication and deep research, to create quality projects. The harmony of the shapes and the simplicity of the lines highlight the quality of a product conceived as an example of the art of furniture made to please and last over time thanks to its flexibility to settle in any space. This collection blends the artistic and elegant past with the modernity of contemporary life.
The Pietondo collection highlights the passion, combined with dedication and deep research, to create quality projects. The harmony of the shapes and the simplicity of the lines highlight the quality of a product conceived as an example of the art of furniture made to please and last over time thanks to its flexibility to settle in any space. This collection blends the artistic and elegant past with the modernity of contemporary life.