Poltroncina Cigno
Con il suo design morbido e naturale, questa poltroncina da vita ad ambienti caldi ed accoglienti ispirati alle dolci armonie della tradizione. Dalle gambe intagliate minuziosamente e la testata sagomata, la poltroncina Cigno è un vero gioiello per la casa. La poltroncina è imbottita e rivestita con un tessuto in stile usurato, è possibile il rivestimento con altri colori dei tessuti su richiesta oltre al Verde e Tortora.
With its soft and natural design, this armchair gives life to warm and welcoming environments inspired by the sweet harmonies of tradition. With meticulously carved legs and shaped head, the Swan armchair is a real gem for the home. The armchair is upholstered and upholstered with a fabric in worn style, it is possible to cover with other colors of fabrics on request in addition to Green and Taupe.
With its soft and natural design, this armchair gives life to warm and welcoming environments inspired by the sweet harmonies of tradition. With meticulously carved legs and shaped head, the Swan armchair is a real gem for the home. The armchair is upholstered and upholstered with a fabric in worn style, it is possible to cover with other colors of fabrics on request in addition to Green and Taupe.